Materials: Coloured paper, stickers with various airplanes on them, markers and crayons.

 Step 1: Give your child the stickers and paper and have him/her either make a scene or a collage with them.

Step 2 (Optional): See if your child wants to embellish the picture with markers or crayons by drawing a setting for the airplanes like an airport or clouds in the sky.


Make your own paper airplanes and decorate them with markers and crayons.  The classic dart airplane is the easiest to make but there are many other types.

You can look online for instructions on how to make paper airplanes.  Try these two:



Materials: clean lid from a margarine or yogurt container, duct tape, clear packing tape, child-safe scissors, hole puncher, yarn, permanent marker, stickers (optional)

 Step 1: Cut the rim off the edge of the plastic lid for your child.

· Step 2: Cut strips of duct tape and have your child apply them to the top of the plastic lid (the part with the label on it), folding any edges over (they will be cut off later).

· Step 3: Once the entire label is covered ask your child what shape he/she wants the tag to be and cut the lid into that shape.

· Step 4: Remove any excess duct tape from the blank side of the lid by peeling it off.

· Step 5: Use the hole punch to cut a hole where you want the top of the tag to be (if the lid is very thick you may have to use scissors).

· Step 6: Using a permanent marker write your child’s name, address and phone number on the blank side.

· Step 7: Have your child apply stickers to the duct taped side of the tag is he/she wants to personalize the tag a bit more.

· Step 8:  Cover the entire tag with clear packing tape. Do not fold it over to the other side (which is awkward on different shapes) but instead apply tape beyond the shape and then flip it over and apply tape in the same manner to sandwich the whole tag.

· Step 9: Trim the clear tape to the shape of the tag.

· Step 10: Use the hole punch to punch through the initial hole (again you may have to use scissors).

· Step 11: String yarn through the hole and tie tightly (knots) to your child’s suit case.

Copyright 2009. Family Theme Days. All rights reserved.



There are many books you can buy with pull out pages of cool paper airplanes plus instructions like this one:

Kids’ Paper Airplane Book, by Ken Blackburn & Jeff Lammers, Workman Publishing, 1996—This one was written by Blackburn who holds the Guinness World Record for time aloft for a paper airplane.  It has many colourful pull-out pages that match the instructions (and have numbered lines) to make some fun airplanes and includes a certificate to state your child is a paper airplane pilot and a chart to record attempts.

There are books at the library that can help you make paper airplanes, too, like this:

Making Paper Airplanes That Really Fly, by Nick Robinson, Sterling Publishing Co., Inc., 2004—This one offers fairly straightforward instructions along with step by step photographs to help create a huge array of paper airplanes.