March/April - Easter
Is it that time of the year?
Try these Seasonal Theme Days...
Also note...
Copyright 2009. Family Theme Days. All rights reserved.
Every 2 Years we have the Olympics Games:
2020 in Tokyo (Postponed due to COvid-19)
2022 in Beijing
2024 Paris
2028 L.A
March 17th - St. Patrick's Day
July 1st - Canada Day
Halloween is
celebrated October 31st
November 1st and 2nd-
Day of the Dead/ Día de Muertos
April 22nd - Earth Day
January 26th - Australia Day
February is Dental Health Month!
October - Thanksgivings Day (Canada)
November - Thanksgiving Day (U.S.A.)
Other Events Throughout the year!
February 6th - Waitangi Day (N.Z.)
February 14th - Valentine`s Day
October - Waste Reduction Week
July 4th - IndependenceDay (U.S.A.)
The next Astronomy Days:
May 15, 2021
October 9, 2021
January 27th - Family Literacy Day (Canada); November 1st (USA)
May - National Bike Safety Month
September 19th - International Talk Like A Pirate Day!
October - Fire Prevention Month
April 1st - April Fools' Day!