Copyright 2010. Family Theme Days. All rights reserved.
NOTE: This can be a nice personal book if you use photos or photocopies of photos of friends and family members.
Materials: Crayons and markers, coloured paper, child-safe scissors, glue stick, old magazines to cut out, old photographs for friends and family, damp cloth for sticky fingers, stapler.
Step 1: Fold the paper in half and form a book by stapling them together.
Step 2: Write the letters on each page of the booklet (one letter per page) or have your child write the letters if he/she is able or cut out letters from a magazine (or from my Alphabet Cut-Out Worksheet) or use stamps or stickers.
Step 3: If you are using old photographs (or photocopies of pictures) cut them to fit and let your child glue them to the appropriate letter page.
Step 4: Search through magazines together to find things that start with each letter.
Materials: Stickers of letters, coloured paper.
Step 1: Let your child choose what colour paper he/she wants for the background.
Step 2: Give your child the stickers and let him/her stick or glue them to the coloured paper in any design or manner.
Once you have completed every individual letter Theme Day these crafts are a great way to review the alphabet.
Materials: Stamps with the letters of the alphabet on them, ink pad, white paper, paper towels, damp cloth for dirty fingers.
Step 1: Let your child stamp the letters in the ink pad and then press them on the white paper.
Materials: Old magazines, coloured paper, glue stick, damp cloth for sticky fingers.
Step 1: Let your child choose what colour paper he/she wants for the background.
Step 2: Look through magazines together and cut out large letters.
Step 3: Let your child glue the letters to the coloured paper in any design or manner – be sure to have your child tell you what letter it is they are gluing as a review.
My son's closet door after we completed every Letter Theme Day!
Step 5: Help your child cut the pictures out and let your child glue them to the appropriate letter page.
Step 6: Read the book together to review the letters.
NOTE: You could also use a duotang or coil scribbler instead of coloured paper as the book and simply write and glue in that!