Here are some picture books about boats:


How it Feels to be a Boat, by James Kwan, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2017 - This whimsical and imaginative book is a tale of how we are all boats who can handle amny obsticles and changes in life..

In the Red Canoe, by Leslie A Davidson and illustrated by Laura Bifano, Orca Books Publishers, 2016 - This book brings back memories for me of my own grandfather and our summer's spent in a canoe and all he taught me.

Little Boat, by Thomas Docherty, Templar Books, 2007 – I love the illustrations in this book about a little boat who shows how he is strong and sails on despite dangers.

The Magic Boat, by Kit Pearson & Katherine Farris and illustrated by Gabrielle Grimard, Orca Books, 2019 - A book about the power of the imagination.

Old MacDonald Had A boat, by Steve Goetz and illustrated by Eda Kaban, Chronicle Books, 2018 - with bright whimsicle illustrations sing a long as Old MacDonald, his wife and all the animals build a boat.

Sail Away, Little Boat, by Janet Buell and illustrations by Jui Ishida, Carolrhoda Books, 2006 – This beautifully illustrated book offers the rhyming tale of the journey of a little toy boat.

Three Bears in a Boat, by David Soman,m Dial Books For Young Readers, 2014 - When three bears break their mother's favorite blue seashell they decide to sail away on a small boat to find a new one.


How to encourage your child to write:

Choose the level of your child:
Toddler/Preschool – discuss the answer(s) out loud first and have your child draw a picture of the answer.

Preschool/Kindergarten – discuss the answer(s) out loud first and write the answer down for him/her leaving one word for him/her to write out himself/herself with your help. You could also encourage him/her to draw a picture as well.

Early Grade School – have your child either write out the answer himself/herself (encourage phonetic spelling) without your help, or offer to help with spelling each word out loud one word at a time.

Grade School – have your child write a sentence or two on his/her own and then read over and discuss the response.  (You decide whether to correct the spelling or not)

Older Child – have your child write a longer response (paragraph).

As A Challenge – instead of a question ask your older child to write a story or poem about sailing.


Copyright 2019. Family Theme Days. All rights reserved.

Boats and Bouyancy

Go to your local library together as a family and find books about boats and bouyancy!



Write out one or more of the following questions in your Family Theme Day Scrapbook or on a piece of paper to glue in your scrapbook:  

What do you like best about riding your bicycle?  Where would you like to go for a family bike ride this year?  What do you know about bicycle safety? How can you be safe on your bike?

Try to find some of these Non-fiction learning titles:


Boat, written by Eric Kentley, DK, 1992 – Part of the Eyewitness series, older kids will love pouring over all the details in this thorough look at boats, full of many photographs and lots of text.

Boats and Ships, by Cari Meister, Pebble, 2019 - Good for young readers, this book teaches the simple things about boats.

Boats on the Water, by Lynn Peppas, Crabtree Publishing Company, 2011 – This book offers a good overview of different kinds of boats and has easy to read text.

Canoeing, by Matt Doeden, Amicus High Interest, 2017 - Made for new readers this one offers more text and bright photographs to explore the world of canoeing.

Does it Sink or Float?, by Susan Hughes, Crabtree Publishing Company, 2014 - A basic science book for new readers using large text (from the What's the matter? Series).

The Great Ships, by Patrick O’Brien, Walker & Company,  2001 - Older kids may like this look at some famous boats like Cheng Ho’s Treasure Ship, The Mayflower, The Bounty etc.

Ships, by Thomas K. Adamson, Bekkweather Media, 2017 - Part of the Blastoff! Readers  and Mighty Machines in Action Series, this is a good book for beginner readers as it offers large text and simple sentences.

Things That Float and Things That Don't, by David A. Adler and illustrated by Anna Ruff, Holiday House, 2013 - Looks like a picture book with cute illustrations but is a great science book with hands on activities.