Canada Day is observed on July 1st. It is a national holiday marking the anniversary of Confederation in 1867, when the British North America Act came into effect. It was originally known as Dominion Day until it was renamed in 1982. It is celebrated with parades, festivals, barbecues, and fireworks.
Materials: Various colour of paint, small empty containers (like yogurt or baby food), water, straws, white paper, newspaper or plastic to cover table, art smock or old clothes to wear
Step 1: Put a few drops of paint in each container and add water to make a very runny paint.
Step 2: Drip the straws in the paint and show your child how to blow through the straw to splatter the paint across the paper (you can also dip the straw in water then cover it with your thumb to hold some paint in and then release it over the paper).
Step 3: Show your child how to tilt the straw and blow the paint that is already on the paper to make it stretch out and colour the paper in streaks that look like fireworks.
Step 4: Let your child add more paint and blow to make watery streaks.
Step 5: Let it dry then display or glue in your Family Theme Day Scrapbook.
Copyright 2017. Family Theme Days. All rights reserved.
Print out a copy of my Matching: Canadian Capitals Worksheet and match the provinces and territories in column one with the capital cities in column two. For a bonus, name the capital city of Canada and try to locate it on your coloured map from the above activity.
Check here for the answer key: Canadian Capitals Answer Key
Canada’s red and white flag with its distinctive maple leaf is easily recognized around the globe.
Print out a copy of my Flag of Canada Colouring Page and have your child colour it.
The flag made its first official appearance on February 15, 1965 which is considered the anniversary of the flag’s adoption and is observed across the country on February 15, which is known as National Flag of Canada Day. Check here for more information:
Print out a copy of my Basic Geography of Canada Worksheet and have your child colour it. Then together as a family search an atlas or online to match the provinces to the letter. Can you also name the three oceans surrounding Canada? Check here for answers: Provinces Answer Key.
Print out a copy of my Basic Geography of North America/Canada Worksheet. Have your child colour the map and name the other two countries in North American.
Please excuse any anomalies in the shape of these maps, they were hand drawn and are far from perfect.
Here are some tourism websites for Canada:
Check out this great site just for kids!
Here are some sites showing some Canadian Landmarks (NOTE: These are not thorough websites. To see more of Canada you can also look up the tourism sites for each province to see more landmarks from each place):
Materials: One large leaf (if you can find a maple leaf use that but we couldn’t find one so we used the largest leaf we could find), white paper, red crayon.
Step 1: Lay the leaf under the paper so it is positioned in the middle.
Step 2: Using the side of the crayon help your child rub over the spot where the leaf is to leave a rubbing print of the leaf on the paper.
Step 3: Have your child colour red on two sides of the paper to make the Canadian flag.
Step 4: Display or glue in your Family Theme Day Scrapbook.
Canada is a bilingual country, which means it has two official languages: English and French. The Official Languages Act (French: Loi sur les langues officielles) is the Canadian law that (September 9, 1969) which gives French and English equal status in the government of Canada.
Print out this Canada: French and English Common Words Worksheet.
Canadian Confederation was the process by which the British colonies of Canada, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick were united into one Dominion of Canada on July 1, 1867. The new federation was composed of four provinces to begin with (the old province of Canada was divided into Ontario and Quebec; along with Nova Scotia and New Brunswick). Today the Canadian federation consists of ten provinces and three territories.
To learn more about confederation check here:
The Canadian Red Ensign had been unofficially used as the flag of Canada since the 1890s and was approved by a 1945 Order in Council for use "wherever place or occasion may make it desirable to fly a distinctive Canadian flag."
Print out a copy of my Canadian Red Ensign Colouring Page and have your child colour it appropriately by looking at a picture of it online.
Canada Day