KEY Moderate Word Search


Many communities or parks offer large community Easter egg hunts on the Easter weekend.  See what is available in your community.

Many communities hold Easter parades complete with Easter bonnets.  See if you can find one near your community.

Copyright 2020. Family Theme Days. All rights reserved.

Moderate (Religious) Word Search

Easy (secular) Word Search


Who’s there?


Candy who?

Candy Easter Bunny carry all those treats in his basket?



Who’s there?


Esther who?

Esther Bunny!


Have a traditional Easter Egg Hunt using real eggs, or chocolate eggs or plastic eggs (don't forget to save and re-use next year) full of goodies.  To prevent melt downs that inevitably come from competitions assign a limit per child or put initials or names on the plastic eggs so that they can only be picked up by the owner.


Q: What Easter treat do skunks like?

A: Smelly beans.


You can find many free colouring pages online

by using your favourite search engine and typing in “Easter Coloring pages “or print out my

Happy Easter Printable



Search through your child’s DVD/ video collection (or visit your local library before hand) to find your child’s favourite shows about looking after the Easter:
Try these Easter Shows:

· The Berenstain Bears: Springtime Surprise

· The Easter Bunny is Coming to Town

· Easter with Max & Ruby

· It’s the Easter Beagle Charlie Brown

· Wubbzy’s Egg-cellent Easter

· Hop

For something religious try these cartoons:

· The Greatest Adventure—Stories from the Bible: The Easter Story

· Veggie Tales: An Easter Carol



My mom made up this activity for her three grandsons for Easter 2011.  She decorated a set of envelopes (seven in total per boy) for each child and had them go to different stations in the house at different times.  Each boy received one envelop to started with (with the thatched design on the front) which gave them a riddle to guess where they had to go.  When they got there they were to open another envelop (this one with the yellow and black “Road Block” symbol on it—my boys love the Amazing Race) with an activity to do (like a word search).  Once they finished the road block they could open the next riddle envelop to see where to head to n ext.  The boys are very competitive so we made sure they knew that this was not a timed race and each boy would receive a prize (an Easter basket full of goodies from Grandma and Grandpa) only if they completed each task and brought them all to Grandpa.

NOTE: If you want to do this you can use the word searches, word scrambles and mazes I made above.  Be sure to pick the level of difficulty appropriate for your children’s ages.  My littlest was nearly 5 when he completed the Amazing Easter Race and he required an adult partner to read the instructions and riddles to him (he teamed up with Auntie!).  It was a fun activity to do before Easter Dinner!


KEY Easy Word Search



Q:  How does the Easter Bunny leave your house?

A:  Through the Eggs-it! (Exit)