Toddler and Pre-School Theme Days


Materials: Red crayons and markers, sheet of red paper, child-safe scissors, glue stick, stapler, a copy of my Red Things Colouring Page, a facecloth for sticky fingers.

Step 1: Sit with your child as you your child draws his/her own red things for the booklet (six in total).
Step 2: Help your child cut out the individual pictures.

Step 3: Fold the sheet of red paper into three parts (as if you were going to put it in an envelope) and cut along the folds to make three red rectangles
Step 4: Fold each of these three red pieces of paper in half and cut along the fold to make six small sheets of paper.
Step 5: Have your child apply glue to each red picture and glue each one to a small sheet of red paper.
Step 6: Help your child staple the sheets together to make a little book.
Step 7: Read the book together to review the colour red.

VARIATION:  Make a mini booklet using pictures of blue things your child has cut out from old magazines or make a mini booklet with pictures your child has drawn his/herself!

Copyright 2009. Family Theme Days. All rights reserved.

The Colour Red

It doesn't get much redder than Andy Warhol's Campbell's Soup Cans (Palm Springs Art Museum, 2018)


Go online to your favourite search engine to find colouring pages of red things or favourite red characters or print out my Red Things Colouring Page.  Use red crayons and red markers to colour. 


Have your child paint with red paint (set out newspaper or a plastic sheet before hand and don’t forget to wear old shirts or art smocks).


Materials: Red paper and white paper, old magazines, child-safe scissors, washable glue stick, damp facecloth for sticky fingers.

Step 1: Look through old magazines with your child and have him/her point out anything red he/she sees.

Step 2: Help your child cut out the red pictures from the magazine to make a pile of red pictures.

Step 3: Show your child how to glue the pictures onto the red piece of paper to make a collage and then let him/her glue the pictures on the paper however he/she likes.

· Step 4: When the collage is dry display (fridge, bulletin board, child’s door) or glue into Family Theme Scrapbook.