Easy Spiders Word Search - ANSWER KEY



Search through your child’s DVD/ video collection (or visit your local library before had) to find your child’s favourite with spiders in them.

For young children try these titles:

  •  Miss Spider’s Sunny Patch Friends

  • The Magic School Bus, Creepy Crawly Fun, Scholastic, 2012


Older Children might enjoy this classic tale:

  • Charlotte’s Web

For a learning title try:

  • Creepy Creatures, Cerebellum Corp, 2011


Spider Web Run:

I saw this idea on Pinterest and thought it would be a fun addition to this Theme Day. Just tape black or white streamers to your walls (green painters tape works well so you don’t peal the paint off your walls) and create an obstacle course for your kids.  Here is the original link: http://dirtandboogers.com/spider-web-run/

Difficult Spiders Word Search  - ANSWER KEY


Copyright 2015. Family Theme Days. All rights reserved.

You can also find more free coloring pages online.

PUZZLES: Print out one of our Spider Word Search Puzzles


Print out my  "Draw the Spider in the Web” Printable

You could also print out my Spider Colouring Template and use that as a coloring page. Your child can turn it into any type of spider.  My son made a deadly Black Widow!

Q: How do spiders communicate?
A: Through the World Wide Web!

Q: What do spiders eat in France?
A: French Flies.

Q: Why are spiders like toy tops?
A: They are always spinning.



Q:  Why do spiders spin webs?
A:  They don’t know how to knit.

Moderate Spiders Word Search  - ANSWER KEY



Go in your garden or to a local park and search for webs or spiders (be carefully if you live in an area that has dangerous spiders.  Here in Canada we are pretty safe so a spider hunt isn’t a deadly thing. Always be safe.  Don’t touch the spiders in their natural habitat.  Remember they help out more than you might think.