Stars and Constellations

Do your kids like to star gaze?  If so this is the Theme Day for your family!  Explore the night sky together and learn about the wonders of the stars.  This Theme Day would be perfect leading up to a camping trip or a trip to any place out in the middle of nowhere, away from city lights. It would also be the perfect Theme Day to have for Astronomy Day. 

Actually there are two Astronomy Days, one in the spring and one in autumn.  The next Spring Astronomy Days will be on May 18th, 2024 and May 3rd, 2025, and the next Autumnal Astronomy Days will be October, 2024, and September 27th, 2025.  This is a day to observe the sky and many observatories, parks and museums have special events set up. 

Print out the Family Theme Day Plannerand decide which activities you’d like to do and in what order.


Astronomy Week begins the preceding Monday of Astronomy Day.  The first Astronomy Day was created in 1973 by the president of the astronomical association of Northern California, Doug Berger.  He set up telescopes in busy locations to encourage people to look at the stars without having to travel a long way to an observatory.

For more information check here:

This little video has turned the nursery rhyme "Star Light, Star Bright" into a song...

Photo: Microsoft Clipart

Here are some perfect Preschool songs about stars:

Children's Rhymes


Older kids may enjoy these songs:

For More Star Themed Fun check each of these pages out...

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