Q: Who did the monster give a Valentine to?
A: his ghoul-friend.
For young children try these titles:
· Winnie the Pooh: A Valentine for You
· Clifford the Big Red Dog: Be My Big Red Valentine
· Max and Ruby: Max’s Valentine
· Be My Valentine Charlie Brown
Q: What did the gardener give his sweetheart on Valentine’s day?
A: Cauliflower.
Examples of some of our spaces:
· Good job cutting out hearts. Move ahead one space.
· Oh now! You forgot to bring a special surprise for a friend. Move back one space.
· You got a Valentine Card in the mail. Say “Mail Box” five times fast!
· Your Valentine’s Cookies are a big hit! Rub your belly!
· All of the Valentine’s flowers make you sneeze. Say “Ahhh Choo!”
Or print out my Large Heart Template, Many Hearts Template or LOVE and Heart Colour Pageto colour!
Decorate your house with your crafts, then host a Valentine’s Day Party! Choose any of the Theme Day activities for your party. Make some crafts as a group, play the above board game, work on the "I Love You" Matching.
You could make some food in advance of the party or host a COOKIE PARTY and decorate cookies together!
Q: What did one sheep say to the other on Valentine’s Day?
A: I love ewe.
Copyright 2016. Family Theme Days. All rights reserved.
Search through your child’s DVD collection (or visit your local library before hand) to find your child’s favourite shows about Valentine’s Day.
Audio Visual:
Q: What did one light bulb say to the other on Valentine’s day?
A: I love you a whole watt.
Who’s there?
Olive who?
Olive you.
Materials: Coloured paper (try pink and red for Valentine’s colours), markers or crayons, glue-stick, child safe scissors, tape (optional), a coin.
Step 1: Decide how long your game will be. We used two sheets of paper and taped the two together on the back so the tape wouldn’t interfere with our colouring, writing and gluing.
Step 2: Either draw large squares or circles ahead of time for each space directly on the game board or cut out hearts like we did to write on and then glue to the board game.
Step 3: Together with your child come up with different Valentine’s Day related things to write on each space. We like to include simple actions like clapping your hands, singing, etc., answering questions, roll again, miss a turn (although beware of temper tantrums if you have a competitive child), go ahead 1 space, go back 1 space, etc.
Step 4: We also like to draw little pictures for each space that relate to what is said or draw pictures around the board.
Step 5: Draw some Valentines for playing pieces and cut them out.
Step 6: play your game! Flip a coin for each turn. Heads – move one space. Tails – move two spaces.
Valentine's Day Field Trips:
FAMILY WALK OR FAMILY SWIM: Be heart healthy and exercise together as a family.
SPECIAL DELIVERIES: Help your child deliver his/her valentine’s to the special people in his/her life.
Other Activities:
You can find many free colouring pages online by using your favourite search engine and typing in Valentine’s Coloring Pages or print out my "Happy Valentine’s Day" Colouring Page.
Show love to everyone for Valentine’s Day and perform some Random Acts of Kindness.
Find out when Random Acts of Kindness Week is this year:
And don't forget that Random Acts of Kindess Day is February 17th!
Print out a Valentine’s Day Word Search: