My son received a butterfly chrysalis for his 6th birthday from some friends. it was a great science project for both him and his brother.


Print out my Bug Hunt Worksheet and go for a walk as a family around your block or at a local park to write down the names of all the different insects and creatures you find.

Print out one of my Bug Bingo Sheets (there are four of them) and go outside to either individually compete or together as a family search for insects to mark off the Bingo Sheet.  Every time an insect is found that is one the sheet cross it off or colour in the space.  Five across wins!

Q:  How do fireflies start a race?

A:  Ready, set glow!


Q: How do bees get to school?

A: They take the school buzz.

Q: What do you call it when two spiders get married?

A: A webbing.

Q: What sport do insects like?

A: Cricket.

Q: What do you call a large ant?

A: A Gi-ant!


Many Educational Stores and Toy Stores (even Dollar Stores) carry Bug Kits with magnifying glasses, nets and little containers to put insects in.  If you choose to use these teach your children about respecting these creatures and not hurting them in the process.  As well, make a big show of letting the creatures go at the end of your search.

Q: Why did the little boy throw the butter out the window?

A: He wanted to see a butter-fly.



Copyright 2018. Family Theme Days. All rights reserved.


Check here for the answer keys:

 Key Easy Bugs Word Search   

Search through your child’s DVD/ video collection (or visit your local library before hand) to find your child’s favourite shows about Bugs.


For younger children try:
· Miss Spider’s Sunny Patch Friends

- Sid the Science Kid: The Bug Club

- The Cat in the hat know a lot about That! Bugs and Beyond

For a Great learning title try this:

- The Magic School Bus: Bugs, Bugs, Bugs!, Scholastic, 2004 – The three episodes included on this disc teach about ants, bees and butterflies respectively.

For some bug movies try some of these:

- Charlotte's Web

- A Bug's Life

- Antz

Q: What do spiders like to eat with their hamburgers?

A: French Flies


You can find many free colouring pages online by using your favourite search engine and typing in “insect coloring page” or “bug” or “ant” or “spider” or any other name of a creepy crawly. You can also print out my free Creepy Crawlies Colouring Page.

Q: What kind of insect is always found at a mall?

A: A grass-shopper.