Copyright 2016. Family Theme Days. All rights reserved.


A few children’s songs come to mind with regards to insects and creepy crawlies:

Sing together the counting song “The Ants Go Marching” – For lyrics check out

Sing and do the actions to “Itsy Bitsy Spider/Eensy Weensy Spider” -

Check here for more insect inspired songs:

Copyright 2018. Family Theme Days. All rights reserved.


My kids have always been fascinated with insects of all kinds. If you have an inquisitive child who likes to explore nature up close or if you have a child who is interested in science, then this Theme Day based on creepy crawlies is a great way to learn more about the world of insects and other small creatures.   It would be a nice Spring or Summer time Theme Day as well since that is when insects are most visible.

Print out the Family Theme Day Planner and decide which activities you’d like to do and in what order.

For some contemporary songs with insects in the title or chorus listen to these:

For a classic piece listen to Flight of the Bumble Bee by Rimsky Korsakov and have your little ones buzz around the room!