Whether you are focusing on the Fairy Tale of the Gingerbread Man or on Christmas Cookies, this sweet Theme Day is sure to please!

Print out theFamily Theme Day Plannerand decide which activities you’d like to do and in what order.




Copyright 2015. Family Theme Days. All rights reserved.

For some gingerbread rhymes check these out:  http://www.canteach.ca/elementary/songspoems95.html 


Check out

all the fun Gingerbread

 activities we have for you:


Don't forget to make some gingerbread cookies to leave out for Santa on Christmas Eve!

For a preschool song about the gingerbread man listen here: 


Gingerbread is more interesting than you might think…

Gingerbread itself varies from a soft cake to a hard biscuit.  It appears that it was brought to Europe by an Armenian monk.  But I also read that it’s believed to have been first baked in Europe when returning crusaders brought back the concept of spiced breads from the middle East in the 11th Century.   
Why not explore this delicious bakery treat some more?

Can you think of any other songs and rhymes inspired by gingerbread?  Let us know!