Pumpkin Soup:

My family is mixed on pumpkin soup. I personally love it and my youngest does too, but not my Eldest nor my husband (I’ve tried a lot of recipes trying to find the perfect one to convert them).   This time I roasted an actual Halloween pumpkin with the skin on (we live in a cold climate and our pumpkins keep well outside but perhaps don't try this if you live in warmer areas). I drizzled olive oil and kosher salt over top and scattered sage and chopped red chili peppers on top and I roasted them at 400F for about 35 minutes. I scooped the pulp away from the shell, put it in a pot and covered with vegetable broth and then mashed with a potato masher.  After it was heated up a bit I added a swig of maple syrup and then pureed with an immersion blender.  I finished it up with a few tablespoons of heavy cream which I swirled into the pureed soup. I made this for our Pumpkin Top Food Challenge.  My Youngest gave it 5 stars and my Eldest 3 stars so I’ll take that as a win!  I think the spicy chili peppers made a difference as my kids love spice! Search your cookbooks or online for a recipe to try (or you could buy some form the store but I think homemade tastes much better even if it takes more time).  Here’s a nice recipe to try that is simpler if your kids don’t like herbs and spices : http://thepioneerwoman.com/cooking/2011/11/pumpkin-soup/

Jack-o-lantern Quesadillas:

Use a circle cookie cutter or a cleaned out soup can to cut circles in tortillas.  You need two per pumpkin.  Carefully cut out a face in one of the circle tortillas.  Place slices of orange cheddar on one of the tortillas and then cover with the face.  In a heated and lightly oiled fry pan carefully lay the “pumpkin” and cook.  Only cook one side to keep the face in tact. I tried to flip and heat the second side but you couldn’t really see the face when I did that so I left out that step when I made the other ones.  You will know they are done when the cheese is all melty and the face sticks to the bottom.  You can add a small piece of green pepper or celery for the pumpkins stem.

There really are a plethora of pumpkin recipes and Jack-o-lantern themed treats out there. Of  course Pumpkin Pie is perfect for this Theme Day but perhaps you'll be tempted to try some of these different pumpkin delights...

Pumpkin Pie:

I love pumpkin pie and I must admit I make a mean cheesecake pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving every year.  I’ve made it for years now and have lost my original source.  You can find many pie recipes online to enjoy! If a pie is too big for your family make little pumpkin pie tarts in a muffin tin because they freeze so nicely.



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Pumpkin Swirl Brownies:

I love pumpkin pie and I must admit I make a mean cheesecake pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving every year.  I’ve made it for years now and have lost my original source.  You can find many pie recipes online to enjoy! If a pie is too big for your family make little pumpkin pie tarts in a muffin tin because they freeze so nicely.

Roasted Pumpkin:

Make this as a side for dinner for your kids to try.  There are lots of ways to amp up the flavour including roasting with herbs like sage or with honey or maple syrup drizzled over top.  We tried a recipe Jamie Oliver recipe for our Pumpkin Top Food Challenge but I cannot find the link anymore (here's his page http://www.jamieoliver.com).  Interestingly enough my Youngest (who likes roasted pumpkin pureed as a soup) didn’t really like this as a side, and my Eldest who didn’t like the soup as much really liked the roasted pumpkin with the cheese on it! Who can ever understand the palate of your children?

I've started roasting our Halloween Pumpkins (as our weather is cold the carved pumpkin keeps fine outside but don't do this if your weather is warm and if you see mold on your pumpkins).  Here's what you do...

Step 1: Preheat oven to 350F.

Step 2: Cut into manageable pieces for roasting on a baking tray if you will be eating right away, otherwise I just cut in half and trim ugly looking pieces. Arrange on the baking tray. Compost the pieces that have been burnt or have candle wax on them.

Step 3:  Oil the cut sides of your pumpkin (high heat oil like avocado works well or olive oil works too).

Step 4: Roast until soft (knife goes through nicely). Check after an hour.

Step 5: If serving for dinner and cut into smaller pieces, it is ready now! Add salt and pepper. 

Step 6: If you want to use this later for pies, cookies, muffins or soup, let it cool and then scoop the flesh off the skin. If it is soft enough for your palate simply mash with your potato masher, otherwise you could puree in your food processor for a smoother texture. Some people drain the puree in a colander over a large bowl but I've not done this and haven't had problems with the pumpkin in recipes). I usually keep my pureed pumpkin in reusable bags that I've washed over and over.

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins:


1 3/4 cups whole wheat flour

1 tsp baking powder

1 tsp baking soda

1/2 tsp salt

1 tsp cinnamon

1/2 tsp ground ginger

1/2 tsp ground cloves

pinch of nutmeg

2 eggs

1/2 cup brown sugar (but white sugar works, too)

1 cup of canned pumpkin puree

1/3 cup butter (unsalted) melted

1 tsp vanilla extract

1/3 cup milk of choice (dairy or non-dairy)

1/2 cup chocolate chips

Step 1:  Preheat the oven to 350F. Line a muffin tin with paper cups or grease.

Step 2: In a bowl whisk the flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and spices.

Step 3: In a second bowl whisk the eggs and then add the sugar, pumpkin puree, melted butter, vanilla and milk together. Mix until well combined.

Step 4: Pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredient bowl.  and mix until well combined. Add the chocolate chips. and gently mix once more.

Step 5: use an ice-cream scoop (or spoon) to fill muffin cups (12 in total). Bake in the oven for about 15 minutes (test with a toothpick).


Easy Peasy Pumpkin Brownie Cupcakes: 

This is a cheaters recipe because it is soooo simple and it sneaks pumpkin in for picky kids to eat without knowing what they are eating.  Take one store bought box of brownies and mix with one can of pumpkin puree and bake the brownies in cupcake papers.  That’s it...you don’t need to add anything else. So simple and so good. 

Pumpkin & Beef Stew:

I found a recipe that looks delicious here: http://www.superhealthykids.com/healthy-kids-recipes/baked-pumpkin-stew.php

I really want to try this one day.


Vegan Pumpkin Pancakes:


1 cup of non-dairy milk (we like oat milk)

1 tbsp lemon juice    

1/3 cup canned pureed pumpkin

1 tbsp melted coconut oil
½ tsp vanilla extract

2 tbsp maple syrup or agave syrup

1 cup whole wheat

3 tbsp brown sugar

1 tsp baking powder
½ tsp baking soda
¼ tsp salt
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
½ tsp ground cloves
½ tsp ground ginger
Pinch of nutmeg

Step 1:Heat up the skillet or non-stick pan or griddle (medium to low heat).

Step 2: In a medium bowl whisk the milk, lemon juice, pumpkin puree, melted coconut oil, vanilla, and the maple or agave syrup.

Step 3: In a separate bowl whisk the flour, brown sugar, baking powder, baking soda, salt and spices.
Step 4: Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and mix until just combined.
Step 5: Grease the skillet with more coconut oil. Pour ¼ cup of batter per pancake and cook for about 3 minutes per side, flipping when bubbles form and edges are beginning to brown. Repeat until batter is gone (keeping the other pancakes warm in a ceramic casserole with a lid).

Step 6: (Optional) we topped with cute little autumn leaf sprinkles from Bulk Barn but also added maple syrup afterwards. Yum! .

Pumpkin seeds:

HEALTHY FACT: Pumpkin seeds are packed with fiber, vitamins, minerals, and health promoting antioxidants!

Ingredients: The seeds scooped out of a pumpkin, olive oil or vegetable oil, salt.

Step 1:  Preheat the oven to 250F.

Step 2: Rinse the seeds and pat dry with paper towel or dish towel.

Step 3: Cover a baking sheet in parchment paper and spread a few teaspoons of oil onto the sheet.

Step 4: Spread the cleaned seeds around the oil to coat and then spread over the sheet so they are not touching.

Step 5: Bake in the oven for about 1 hour.  If you want them a bit browner turn the heat to 350F and then bake for 10 minutes more.  I over cooked mine so they are a bit brown in the photo (I forgot to set the timer!).

Pumpkin Swirl Brownies: 

If you aren't afraid to show the pumpkin in the baking give these delicious brownies a try:


Pumpkin Butter:

NOTE: Make this ahead of time and keep a jar in the fridge for a yummy breakfast spread on toast.

Ingredients: 1 cup Fresh pureed pumpkin (see below under Dinner) or 1 15 oz can of pumpkin puree (I've only made it with fresh) or add cubed pumpkin and cook for longer at a lower temperature , 1/4 cup apple juice, 1/2 cup granulated sugar, 1/4 cup brown sugar, 1 tsp cinnamon, 1/2 tsp ground ginger, 1/2 tsp ground cloves, pinch nutmeg, 1 tsp vanilla extract, pinch salt.

Step 1:  Pour all ingredients in a slow cooker and stir together.

Step 2: Cover and cook on high for 2 to 3 hours. Be sure to stir every hour.

Step 3: Test for desired consistency (how thick you want it) and allow it to cool slightly before transferring to a jar to keep in the fridge. 

Stuffed Jack-o-lantern Peppers:

Picky kids may not want to eat actual pumpkin but they might like little stuffed peppers carved to look like Jack-o-lanterns.  I didn't cook the peppers because my kids prefer peppers uncooked.  You can fill these with anything your kids like: sloppy joe mix, fry ground beef mixed with rice and veggies, couscous salad...

As we discovered, Pumpkins are a berry (who knew).  I decided to have a Pumpkin Top Food Challenge for my kids.  Check here for official “directions” on how to have your own Top Food Challenge.  For the Pumpkin Challenge my kids sampled 4 or 5 variations. Check out links to the pumpkin recipes by scrolling down and looking for Challenge 22: Pumpkin.

NOTE: There are so many cute pumpkin inspired treats out there: Rice Cereal Treats made into jack-o-lanterns, cupcakes arranged into a large pumpkin, Oreos dipped in orange chocolate and made into pumpkin shaped cookie pops… My Pumpkins Pumpkins Everywhere Pinterest board has a few fun recipe ideas posted.