There are so many fun and fanciful names of pumpkin varieties look some up with your kids. Try my Pumpkin Varieties Word Search to discover some of the names and then search online to see what they look like.
Want to learn all about pumpkins and Jack-o-Lanterns? Try this website:
For basic information about pumpkins try here:
For some fun facts try here:
If you plant a seed in April you could have your own pumpkin to eat or carve by September or October! We read that you can start with a seed in a small pot and then transfer to a bigger pot. You will just need space for the long vines to spread and the fruit to grow! We've tried to grow one in our garden and it didn't work as we have very short summers. Maybe another year we will try the big pot idea. I'll let you know!
For a great book for younger kids with growing instructions try this: Grow Your Own Soup, by John Malam, Heinemann Library, 2012.
I was planning on a life cycle worksheet but when I found this craft idea on Pinterest I decided to vary my idea. I found the idea here:
Use my Pumpkin Template to trace onto orange construction paper to complete this learning activity. While reading through pumpkin books (the library has many with the life cycle of a pumpkin highlighted) have your child draw the 5 basic stages on the traced and cut out pumpkin: Seeds, sprout, blossom and vines, small green pumpkin, large ripened orange pumpkin. My son glued some seeds on instead of drawing them. You could also include a 6th stage if it is close to Halloween and have a Jack-o-lantern pictured!
Learning Activities
Copyright 2014. Family Theme Days. All rights reserved.
Search online for pumpkin nutrition to help your kids learn about why they should add pumpkin or other squash to their plates. It’s a low calorie fruit with fiber, anti-oxidants, minerals like copper, calcium and potassium, and vitamins like B-Complex.
For Information about the nutrition of pumpkins here:
For Information about the nutrition of pumpkin seeds check here:
Have your own Top Food Challenge by making a few different Pumpkin recipes (see above under FOODS) and then get your kids to fill in my Top Food Challenge Worksheet.