Make a summer soundtrack playlist for your MP3 player or on your phone, or go old school and burn your own CD with favourite music picks from every family member—Perfect for car trips or just for playing in your backyard or balcony on a hot day.


Visit your local park or one further away and pack a picnic lunch or snacks and then play at a playground.

Visit your local outdoor (or indoor) pools or any parks with water features for some wet fun in the sun.

What activities can you try? Kayaking, skateboarding, a bike ride through trails, visting a bike park to learn tricks, Frisbee golf.

Maybe you can hike in the mountains or on other trails, or visit a lake or National Park.

Don’t forget a hat and sun screen and plenty of water to drink!


Many communities offer free evens during the summer or some with minimal entrance fees (or even no fee if you bring a food bank item).

Research to learn what festivals your local community hosts: Heritage, Food, Music, Street Performers, Shakespeare in the Park,Theatre Festivals..

What other fun events can you attend: pancake breakfast, fireworks, a parade...



Dig out the summer gear and try some games in the sun like Frisbee, croquet, lawn bowling etc..

Q: Why do dogs sit in the shade during the summer?

A: Because they don’t want to be hot dogs.


Search through your child’s DVD/ video collection (or visit your local library before hand or check your video streaming platforms) to find your child’s favourite shows that take place in the summer.

For young children try this title:

· Elmo`s World: Summer Vacation, Sesame Workshop, 2008— Three episodes of Elmo`s World show the fuzzy red monster learn about the beach, skin and cameras.

· Kipper: fun in the Sun, HIT Entertainment, 2003—Seven little episodes about Kipper the dog  and his friends as they embark on mini adventures in the outdoors.

Older kids might like this:

· Summer of the Monkeys

- Last Day of Summer



While it is important to do things as a family it is equally important for children to learn to do things on their own and to feel comfortable doing things by themselves and learn to occupy themselves.  To teach your child/children that they must entertain themselves during the summer help them to come up with a list of activities that they can do on their own. 

Print out a copy of my
What To Do When I’m Bored This Summer Listand brainstorm with each child to come up with a number of activities they can do without a parent or a sibling around like read a book, play with puzzles (or any number of other toys), draw a picture, write a letter (to a friend or relative far away), etc..

Q:  What did the little bee say to the big bee in the summer?

A:  It’s swarm here isn’t it?


Decorate a jar and fill the jar with slips of paper that inspire your kids.

Make up your own ideas based on your kids likes and interests and also your budget.  Make up ideas based on whether YOU want to be involved, too.  If you want your kids to be more self sufficient create ideas that they can do on their own.  If your children are smaller you will probably want to include simple projects that you will work on together.

Learn more about this idea and get suggestions for your own jar on our Summer Jar Page. I also have a Summer Jar Blank Printable that you can fill in yourself or use our old family printables.






If you want, print out my Summer Family Wish List Page and then, together as a family, brainstorm ideas of things to do together during the summer, from the simple (walk to the park, buy an ice cream treat); to activities that require more planning (a picnic, a trip to the zoo, attending a festival, visiting a relative or friend far away).  Place the list where everyone can see it (like on the fridge) and cross off things as you do them.

Q: What did the summer say to the Spring?

A: “Help me! I’m going to Fall.”

Q: What do you call a snowman with a tan?

A:  A puddle.


If you have a backyard and it’s a hot day hook up your sprinkler for a short time and have everyone race through it.

Purchase a small blow up wading pool to use in your back yard or on your apartment balcony.

Use the sidewalk chalk to play hopscotch together.

Young children may simply enjoy playing with a bucket of water and some rocks as my sons did.

For a few years we lived in a small apartment with just a balcony. With filled a bin with a lid with sand for my son to use as a sandbox.

Don’t forget sun screen!


You can find many free colouring pages online by using your favourite search engine and typing in “Summer colouring pages” or print out my “Summer is Fun” Colouring Page and glue the finished product in your Family Theme Day Scrapbook.