Materials: Various stickers of dinosaurs, colored paper, markers and/or crayons (Optional).
Step 1: Let your child pick the color of paper he/she wants to use for this craft and him/her various stickers to make either a collage or a scene.
Step 3: If your child so desires have him/her add details or embellishments to the scene.
Materials: White paper, red paper, blue paper, glue-stick, child-safe scissors, star stickers (50 in total) or markers to draw your own or star stamps and an ink pad.
Step 1: Cut out seven red stripes to fit across the white piece of paper.
Step 2: Have your child glue the seven stripes down the page leaving 6 white spaces in between.
Step 3: Cut out a blue rectangle to fit in the corner of the flag.
Step 4: Have your child glue the blue rectangle on the top left corner of the flag picture.
Step 5: Give your child 50 star stickers to stick onto the blue rectangle. Or you can draw stars or use star stamps.
Step 6: Display or glue into your Family Theme Day Scrapbook.
Copyright 2010. Family Theme Days. All rights reserved.
Materials: Two paper bags, white crayon, white paper, orange paper, child safe scissors, black marker or crayon, glue stick, damp cloth for sticky fingers.
Step 1: Have your child draw two eyes using the black marker or crayons on white paper. Help your child to cut them out.
Step 2: Help your child cut out a triangle from the orange paper to use as the eagle’s beak.
Step 3: Help your child cut out two claws from the orange paper for the eagle’s talons.
Step 4: With the fold of one paper bag facing you have your child colour the fold with the white crayon.
Step 5: Have your child glue the two eyes and beak onto the now white fold.
Step 5: Have your child glue the two eyes and the beak onto the now white fold.
Step 6: Cut out two wing shapes (curved triangles work) from the other paper bag.
Step 7: have your child glue the two wings to the side of the paper bag.
Step 8: have your child glue the two orange talons to the bottom of the paper bag.
Step 9: Let it dry then use it as a puppet.
Materials: Various colour of paint, small empty containers (like yogurt or baby food), water, straws, white paper, newspaper or plastic to cover table, art smock or old clothes to wear
Step 1: Put a few drops of paint in each container and add water to make a very runny paint.
Step 2: Drip the straws in the paint and show your child how to blow through the straw to splatter the paint across the paper (you can also dip the straw in water then cover it with your thumb to hold some paint in and then release it over the paper).
Step 3: Show your child how to tilt the straw and blow the paint that is already on the paper to make it stretch out and colour the paper in streaks that look like fireworks.
Step 4: Let your child add more paint and blow to make watery streaks.
Step 5: Let it dry then display or glue in your Family Theme Day Scrapbook.
NOTE: On Independence Day many American communities have special celebrations and end the day with fireworks. Make this craft to create your own fireworks for Independence Day.