Learn about the history of Independance Day with these videos...

 I get lot of emails from great people from all over the world who have recommended many super sites for our various Family Theme Days.

I love hearing from everyone! Thank you so much!


The official travel and tourism site of the Unites States:

Check here for famous American Landmarks:

Find out why the eagle is the United States national bird: http://www.baldeagleinfo.com/eagle/eagle9.html


Print out a copy of my United States Geography Worksheet Page 1 (my apologies for any missing islands and misshapen states in my drawing) and have your child color the map and then as a family try to name the various states and territories of the USA. Print out a copy of  Page two: State Names to check your answers.


For some history on the American Flag check here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_flag

Print out a copy of my United States of America Flag Worksheet and have your child color it the appropriate colors.

Thank you to Nancy and Kennedy, part of a youth mentor group, for suggesting this link to Famous Washington D.C Landmarks: https://www.apartmentguide.com/blog/famous-washington-dc-landmarks/

The United States/

Indepdence Day

Thanks to Karen and her 8 year old niece Violet from Massachusetts for suggesting a link to landmarks in the United States. Unfortunately the link no longer works but I found another good one: https://www.listchallenges.com/american-landmarks

Copyright 2010. Family Theme Days. All rights reserved.


Print out a copy of my United States Capitals Worksheets and work as a family to try to match the states with their capital cities. Check here for the USA Capital Cities Matching Answer Key.

Big thanks to Social Studies Teacher, Kerri, for suggesting this article on the best US Landmarks and Attractions to visit on a road trip:


Learning Activities